Friday, October 19, 2012

Recent Law Review Articles -- September 2012

Compiled from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP).

Genetically Modified Organisms: Law and the Global Market. Articles by Jim Chen, Guy R. Knudsen, Jack A. Bobo, Debra M. Strauss and Andrew W. Torrance.  48 Idaho L. Rev. 213-350 (2012).

Torrance, Andrew W.  Planted obsolescence: synagriculture and the law.  48 Idaho L. Rev. 321-350 (2012).

Fromherz, Nicholas A.  The case for a global treaty on soil conservation, sustainable farming, and the preservation of agrarian culture.  39 Ecology L.Q. 57-121 (2012).

Thirty-First Annual American Agricultural Law Association Agricultural Law Symposium & Meeting. Articles by Theodore A. Feitshans, Edward Cox, Charles W. Fluharty, Michael T. Olexa, Joshua A. Cossey, Sandra Zellmer, Neil D. Hamilton and student Katherine Smallwood; notes by Erin Benoy, Ashley Leyda and Andrea M. Repphun.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 1-206 (2011).

Benoy, Erin.  Note. Wanted: farmer-friendly climate change legislation.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 147-168 (2011).

Cox, Edward.  A lease-based approach to sustainable farming, part II: farm tenancy trends and the outlook for sustainability on rented land.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 5-30 (2011).

Franklin, Emily.  Student article. How to give the dog a home: using mediation to solve companion animal custody disputes.  12 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 351-372 (2012).

Howse, Robert and Joanna Langille.  Permitting pluralism: the Seal Products dispute and why the WTO should accept trade restrictions justified by noninstrumental moral values.  37 Yale J. Int’l L. 367-432 (2012).

Olexa, Michael T., Joshua A. Cossey and student Katherine Smallwood.  Protecting equine rescue from being put out to pasture: whether ranches dedicated to abused, abandoned, and aging horses may qualify for “agricultural” classifications under Florida’s Greenbelt Law.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 69-88 (2011).

Bates, Rebecca.  Touring the Antarctic: transforming environmental governance in the southern latitudes.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 43-62 (2011).

Riley, Sophie.  Heads I win, tails you lose: uncertainty and the protection of biodiversity from invasive alien species.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 139-168 (2011).

Cobb, John.  Note. Mitigating the unintended consequences of biofuel tax credits.  49 Harv. J. on Legis. 451-477 (2012).

Monast, Jonas J., Brooks R. Pearson and Lincoln F. Pratson.  A cooperative federalism framework for CCS regulation.  7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J. 1-46 (2012).

Carlson, Ann E.  Designing effective climate policy: cap-and-trade and complementary policies.  49 Harv. J. on Legis. 207-248 (2012).

Shan, Hongjun.  International recent developments: China—vessel-source oil pollution compensation.  36 Tul. Mar. L.J. 563-571 (2012).

Qiu, Xin and Honglin Li.  Energy regulation and legislation in China.  42 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10678-10693 (2012).

Vecchione, Elisa.  Is it possible to provide evidence of insufficient evidence? The precautionary principle at the WTO.  13 Chi. J. Int’l L. 153-178 (2012).

Kenney, Frederick J., Jr., Rear Admir., U.S. Coast Guard and Melissa A. Hamann.  The flow of authority to stop the flow of oil: Clean Water Act section 311(c) removal authority and the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  36 Tul. Mar. L.J. 349-395 (2012).

Emerman, David.  Note. An environmental law even Judge Learned Hand would violate: Ohio EPA needs non-monetary penalties to enforce construction NPDES permits.  60 Clev. St. L. Rev. 275-305 (2012).

Cecchini-Beaver, Mark.  Comment.  “Tough law” getting tougher:  a proposal for permitting Idaho’s logging road stormwater point sources after Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown.  (Nw. Envtl. Def. Ctr. v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063, 2011.)  48 Idaho L. Rev. 467-514 (2012).

Hudson, Blake.  Federal constitutions, global governance, and the role of forests in regulating climate change.  87 Ind. L.J. 1455-1515 (2012).

Penetrante, Ariel Macaspac.  Simulating climate change negotiations: lessons from modeled experience.  28 Negotiation J. 279-314 (2012).

Powers, Paul M.  Student article. An international emergency: declaring ‘Marshall’ law due to global climate change.  13 T.M. Cooley J. Prac. & Clin. L. 423-483 (2011).

Osofsky, Hari M.  Litigation’s role in the path of U.S. federal climate change regulation: implications of AEP v. Connecticut.  46 Val. U. L. Rev. 447-457 (2012).

25th Annual Monsanto Symposium: Civil Litigation as a Tool for Regulating Climate Change. Introduction by James R. May; articles by Victor E. Schwartz, Phil Goldberg, Christopher E. Appel, Kevin T. Haroff and Hari M. Osofsky; amicus brief by Stuart Banner and James R. May.  46 Val. U. L. Rev. 357-500 (2012).

Tanczos, Francis G.  Note. A new crime: possession of wood—remedying the due care double standard of the revised Lacey Act.  42 Rutgers L.J. 549-588 (2011).

Dickenson, Todd.  Student article. Hawaiian burial rights: the regrettable burial of a rich cultural history beneath urban development.  5 Phoenix L. Rev. 811-835 (2012).

Gillespie, Josephine.  Legal pluralism and World Heritage management at Angkor, Cambodia.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 1-19 (2011).

Barcia, Giselle.  Comment. After Chabad: enforcement in cultural property disputes.  (Agudas Chasidei Chabad v. Russ. Fed’n, 528 F.3d 934, 2008.)  37 Yale J. Int’l L. 463-478 (2012).

Symposium: A Just Transition to a Green Economy. Articles by Beverly Wright, Earthea Nance, Kate Gordon, Louis Soares, Stephen Steigleder, Caroline Farrell, Michael Rawson, Mona Tawatao, Randal A. Strobo and Laura Bozzi.  4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 1-140 (2012).

Farber, Daniel A.  Pollution markets and social equity: analyzing the fairness of cap and trade.  39 Ecology L.Q. 1-56 (2012).

Gordon, Kate, Louis Soares and Stephen Steigleder.  Preparing America’s workforce for jobs in the green economy: a case for technical literacy.  4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 23-44 (2012).

Zellmer, Sandra.  Mudslinging on the Missouri: can endangered species survive the Clean Water Act?  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 89-115 (2011).

Mahoney, Paul G.  The public utility pyramids.  41 J. Legal Stud. 37-66 (2012).

Schwartz, Victor E., Phil Goldberg and Christopher E. Appel.  Does the judiciary have the tools for regulating greenhouse gas emissions?  46 Val. U. L. Rev. 369-409 (2012).

De Guire, Jeannette.  Note. The Cincinnati Environmental Justice Ordinance: proposing a new model for environmental justice regulations by the states.  60 Clev. St. L. Rev. 223-248 (2012).

Hall, Margaux J. and David C. Weiss.  Avoiding adaptation apartheid: climate change adaption and human rights law.  37 Yale J. Int’l L. 309-366 (2012).

Van Nostrand, James M.  Energy and environmental justice:  how states can integrate environmental justice into energy-related proceedings.  61 Cath. U. L. Rev. 701-734 (2012).

Abbott, Laurie E. Note. Incentive for innovation or invitation to inhumanity?: a human rights analysis of gene patenting and the case of Myriad Genetics. 2012 Utah L. Rev. 497-525.

Geisinger, Alex.  The benefits of development and environmental injustice.  37 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 205-244 (2012).

Scanlan, Melissa K.  Implementing the public trust doctrine: a lakeside view into the trustees’ world.  39 Ecology L.Q. 123-191 (2012).

Knudsen, Sanne H.  Remedying the misuse of nature.  2012 Utah L. Rev. 141-208.

Trimble, Travis M.  Environmental law.  63 Mercer L. Rev. 1223-1235 (2012).

Jurs, Andrew W.  Balancing legal process with scientific expertise:  expert witness methodology in five nations and suggestions for reform of post-Daubert U.S. reliability determinations.  95 Marq. L. Rev. 1329-1415 (2012).

Feliciano, Meghan Marrinan.  Note. We are what we eat: securing our food supply by amending intellectual property rights for plant genetic resources.  8 U. St. Thomas L.J. 546-568 (2011).

Winters, Diana R.H.  Not sick yet: food-safety-impact litigation and barriers to justiciability.  77 Brook. L. Rev. 905-957 (2012).

Chow, Daniel.  Lessons from Pfizer’s disputes over its Viagra trademark in China.  27 Md. J. Int’l L. 82-110 (2012).

Koch, Valerie Gutmann.  Incentivizing the utilization of pharmacogenomics in drug development.  15 J. Health Care L. & Pol’y 263-302 (2012).

Maier, Krista.  Chemical restraints and off-label drug use in nursing homes.  16 Mich. St. U. J. Med. & L. 243-264 (2012).

Mkrtchyan, Vitaliy.  Note. Initiative 692, now and then: the past, present, and future of medical marijuana in Washington State.  47 Gonz. L. Rev. 839-876 (2011/12).

Chen, Jim.  Food and superfood: organic labeling and the triumph of gay science over dismal and natural science in agricultural policy.  48 Idaho L. Rev. 213-224 (2012).

Basas, Carrie Griffin.  “V” is for vegetarian: FDA-mandated vegetarian food labeling.  2011 Utah L. Rev. 1275-1307. 

Hamilton, Neil D.  Moving toward food democracy: better food, new farmers, and the myth of feeding the world.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 117-145 (2011).

Repphun, Andrea M.  Note. Pigs-in-a-blanket: how current meat inspection regulations wrap America in false security.  16 Drake J. Agri. L. 183-206 (2011).

Brindell, James R.  Improving standards and process of historic designation.  44 Urb. Law. 265-277 (2012).

Gongaware, Laura.  Note. The day historic preservation principles saved the Titanic from a second maritime disaster.  (R.M.S. Titanic, Inc. v. Wrecked & Abandoned Vessel, 742 F. Supp. 2d 784, 2010, and 804 F. Supp. 2d 508, 2011.)  36 Tul. Mar. L.J. 817-828 (2012).

Akin, Jena.  Note. Civil justice in the mountains: the Bolivian Andes as grounds for climate reform.  23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 433-471 (2012).

Johnstone, Naomi.  Commercialism and conservationism: law in the forests of Indonesia — from colonialism to climate change.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 21-42 (2011).

Pettit, Marguerite.  Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation: human rights and the commodification of carbon.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 87-103 (2011).

Lydersen, Kari.  Pacific Rim and beyond: global mining, global resistance and international law.  23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 367-387 (2012).

Wibisana, Andri G.  The development of the precautionary principle in international and Indonesian environmental law.  14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 169-202 (2011).

Elias, Nurudeen.  Note. America’s religious values at crossroads: lifting the veil on zoning decisions to ensure victory for the America of the Constitution and religious tolerance.  55 How. L.J. 1097-1131 (2012).

Garnett, Nicole Stelle.  Managing the urban commons.  160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1995-2027 (2012).

Kamen, Justin B.  Note. A standardless standard: how a misapplication of Kelo enabled Columbia University to benefit from eminent domain abuse.  (Kaur v. N.Y. State Urban Dev. Corp., 933 N.E.2d 721, 2010.)  77 Brook. L. Rev. 1217-1247 (2012).
Bezdek, Barbara L.  Dreaming in Chinese: accountable development.  27 Md. J. Int’l L. 48-81 (2012).

Kramer, Daniel.  Comment. United voices: an open proposal for smart and fair growth in the Central Valley.  39 Ecology L.Q. 193-238 (2012).

Allen, Charles.  Countering proliferation: WMD on the move.  40 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 15-35 (2011).

Stahl, William M.  Note. The uncharted waters of cyberspace: applying the principles of international maritime law to the problem of cybersecurity.  40 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 247-273 (2011).

Bernard, Rebecca L.  Must the public pay miners not to pollute? A takings analysis of a proactive § 404(c) action in Bristol Bay, Alaska.  42 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10649-10677 (2012)

Bozzi, Laura.  Beyond mountaintop removal: pathways for change in the Appalachian coalfields.  4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 115-140 (2012).

Obold, Jason.  Note. Leading by example: the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act of 2011 as a catalyst for international drilling reform.  23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 473-500 (2012).

Schremmer, Joe.  Comment. Avoidable “fraccident”: an argument against strict liability for hydraulic fracturing.  60 U. Kan. L. Rev. 1215-1255 (2012).

Strobo, Randal A.  The shape of Appalachia to come: coal in a transitional economy.  4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 91-114 (2012).

Thompson, Dorothea K.  Comment. Small size, big dilemma: the challenge of regulating nanotechnology.  79 Tenn. L. Rev. 621-668 (2012).

Leege, David D.  Comment. Preventing atoms for peace from becoming atoms of terror: the National Environmental Policy Act is not a vehicle for addressing terrorism.  61 Cath. U. L. Rev. 527-563 (2012).

Haroff, Kevin T.  On thin air: standing, climate change, and the National Environmental Policy Act.  46 Val. U. L. Rev. 411-446 (2012).

Duncan, Thomas M.  Comment. Driving Americans’ perception of recreation: awaiting the Park Service’s long-term solution to address snowmobile access in Yellowstone National Park.  19 Vill. Sports & Ent. L.J. 699-783 (2012).

Dussias, Allison M.  Protecting Pocahontas’s world: the Mattaponi Tribe’s struggle against Virginia’s King William Reservoir Project.  36 Am. Indian L. Rev. 1-123 (2011-2012).

Tanczos, Francis G.  Note. A new crime: possession of wood—remedying the due care double standard of the revised Lacey Act.  42 Rutgers L.J. 549-588 (2011).

Fosland, Benjamin J.  Student article.  A case of not-so-fatal flaws:  re-evaluating the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act.  48 Idaho L. Rev. 447-465 (2012).

Bilodeau, Katheryn A.  Comment.  The elusive implied water right for fish:  do off-reservation instream water rights exist to support Indian treaty fishing rights?  48 Idaho L. Rev. 515-551 (2012).

Strange, Rick and Thomas Fahring.  Rights of first refusal and package oil and gas transactions.  53 S. Tex. L. Rev. 29-100 (2011).

Kilroy, Taylor.  Recent development. “Reptile dysfunction”: how can a three-inch lizard threaten to shut down the oil and gas industry in the Permian Basin?  7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J. 87-98 (2012).

Vera, Aaron.  Recent development. Texas water use, mandatory fluid component disclosures, and state regulations on hydraulic fracturing.  7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J. 112-123 (2012).

Brogdon, Lauren Hunt.  Student note.  A new Horizon?:  the need for improved regulation of deepwater drilling.  37 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 291-329 (2012).

Thrasher, Edward W.  Note. Cleaning up the muck: a takings analysis of the moratorium on deepwater drilling following the BP oil spill.  77 Brook. L. Rev. 1285-1327 (2012).

Yoo, Christopher S.  Beyond Coase: emerging technologies and property theory.  160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 2189-2225 (2012).

Symposium on New Dimensions in Property Theory. Articles by Gregory S. Alexander, Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Abraham Bell, Gideon Parchomovsky, Lee Anne Fennell, Nicole Stelle Garnett, Larissa Katz, Thomas W. Merrill, Henry E. Smith, Stewart E. Sterk, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz and Christopher S. Yoo.  160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1853-2225 (2012).

Ledford, Peter H.  Practical considerations in implementing renewable energy: a case study of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  2 Wake Forest J.L. & Pol’y 533-570 (2012).

Sanders, Jordan.  Recent development. “Dark times ahead for the U.S. solar industry?” Anti-dumping duties on Chinese solar panels, their implications, and alternatives to strengthening the U.S. solar industry.  7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J. 99-111 (2012).

Knudsen, Guy R.  Where’s the beef? How science informs GMO regulation and litigation.  48 Idaho L. Rev. 225-250 (2012).


Weil, Gabriel.  Student article. Subnational climate mitigation policy: a framework for analysis.  23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 285-307 (2012).

Sakowski, Scott E.  Note. Taking dry land under navigable waters: the Friant Dam returns to the docket.  36 Vt. L. Rev. 759-777 (2012).

Litigating Takings Challenges to Land Use and Environmental Regulations. Keynote address by William Treanor; articles by John Echeverria, Joseph L. Sax, Steven J. Eagle, Daniel L. Siegel, Mark Fenster, Thomas W. Merrill, Gregory M. Stein and A. Dan Tarlock; notes by Scott E. Sakowski and Christian D. Petrangelo.  36 Vt. L. Rev. 503-807 (2012).

Martin, Winfield B.  Comment. Order for the courts: reforming the Nollan/Dolan threshold inquiry for exactions.  35 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1499-1523 (2012).

Burns, Matthew.  Note. A sustainable framework for international green technology transfer.  23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 405-432 (2012).

Glynn, Stephanie.  Comment. Toxic toys and dangerous drywall: holding foreign manufacturers liable for defective products—the fund concept.  26 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 317-364 (2012).

Operators, USA v. City of Dallas:  a possible green light ahead for “head-of-the-line” policies favoring natural gas vehicles. [Includes photographs.]  (Ass’n of Taxicab Operators, USA v. City of Dallas, 760 F. Supp. 2d 693, 2010.)  36 Vt. L. Rev. 995-1013 (2012).

Buseman, Nicole.  Student note.  A second-generation solution to electronic waste:  the New York approach.  37 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 245-290 (2012).

Sax, Joseph L.  Reserved public rights in water.  36 Vt. L. Rev. 535-548 (2012).

Tarlock, A. Dan.  Takings, water rights, and climate change.  36 Vt. L. Rev. 731-757 (2012).

Henderson, Taylor.  Student article. Five Tribes’ water rights: examining the Aamodt adjudications’ Mechem doctrine to predict tribal water rights litigation outcomes in Oklahoma.  36 Am. Indian L. Rev. 125-160 (2011-2012).

Anderson, Peter R. and Aaron J. Kraft.  Why does Idaho’s water law regime provide for forfeiture of water rights?  48 Idaho L. Rev. 419-446 (2012).

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