Compiled from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP).
Shipley, David E. The Chevron
two-step in Georgia’s administrative law.
46 Ga. L. Rev. 871-936 (2012).
Welkowitz, Bill. Note. Providing another leg to stand on? A
question of the “zone of interests” in challenging agency decision-making under
the Air Pollution Control Act. (Matthews
Int’l Corp. v. Commw. Of Pa. Dep’t of Envtl. Prot., 2011 Pa. Envirn LEXIS 40,
2011.) 23 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 303-324
Collins, Shauna R. Note. Striking the proper balance between the
carrot and the stick approaches to animal feeding operation regulation. 2012 U. Ill. L. Rev. 923-968.
Gathii, James and Keith H.
Hirakawa. Curtailing ecosystem
exportation: ecosystem services as a basis to reconsider export-driven
agriculture in economies highly dependent on agricultural exports. 30 Va. Envtl. L.J. 1-27 (2012).
McCue, Mallorie. Note. Follow the money: insulating
agribusiness through lobbying and suppression of individual free speech. 6 Pitt. J. Envtl. L. & Pub. Health L.
213-237 (2012).
Cassuto, David N. and student
Sarah Saville. Hot, crowded, and legal:
a look at industrial agriculture in the United States and Brazil. 18 Animal L. 185-205 (2012).
Vargas Gallegos,
Nathaniel. International agricultural
pragmatics: an inquiry of the orthodox economic breakdowns and an evaluation of
solutions with the food sovereignty movement.
16 Drake J. Agri. L. 429-461 (2011).
Rigdon, Kevin C. Note. Stop the planting! The 1985 Farm Bill,
conservation compliance, and America’s agricultural conservation failure. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 487-507 (2011).
Kiefer, Joseph. Comment. Turning over a new sprout: promoting
agricultural health by fostering the coexistence of organic and genetically
modified crops in the wake of Monsanto
Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms and the deregulation of modified alfalfa. 61 Emory L.J. 1241-1285 (2012).
McCabe, Margaret Sova. Superweeds and suspect seeds: does the
genetically-engineered crop deregulation process put American agriculture at
risk? 1 U. Balt. J. Land & Dev.
109-155 (2012).
Havel, Brian F. and Gabriel
S. Sanchez. Toward an international
aviation emissions agreement. 36 Harv.
Envtl. L. Rev. 351-385 (2012).
Secor, Patrick. Case comment. European Union law—EU emissions
standards may be applied to third-state airlines departing from member
states. (Case C—366/10, Air Transp.
Ass’n of Am. v. Sec’y of State for Energy & Climate Change, 49(3) C.M.L.R.
1113, 2011.) 35 Suffolk Transnat’l L.
Rev. 505-514 (2012).
Hamilton, Jessica A.R. Note. Finding new power in the wind, the
earth, and the sun: a survey of the regulation of alternative energy generated
in American Indian reservations in the United States and First Nation reserves
in Canada. 44 Conn. L. Rev. 1383-1416 (2012),
Widener, Michael N. Current events: reflections on solar power
generators’ ground leasing of vacant tracts.
4 Ky. J. Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources L. 339-388 (2011-2012).
Walker, Renner Kincaid. Note. The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in
the wind: nuisance suits and the perplexing future of American wind farms. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 509-548 (2011).
Ferrell. Shannon L. The technical and ethical challenges for
lawyers in evaluating wind energy development agreements. 17 Drake J. Agri. L. 55-88 (2012).
First Annual Animal Law
Review Symposium. Introduction by Nancy Perry; articles by David N. Cassuto,
Maneesha Deckha, David Favre, Peter Sankoff and student Sarah Saville. 18 Animal L. 175-320 (2012).
Leung, Andrew S. Note. The adverse effects of aquatic invasive
species on native commercial and recreational fisheries of the Great Lakes and
the exacerbation of the problem by judicial reluctance to act. 4 Ky. J. Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources
L. 525-549 (2011-2012).
Sankoff, Peter. The animal rights debate and the expansion of
public discourse: is it possible for the law protecting animals to
simultaneously fail and succeed? 18
Animal L. 281-320 (2012).
Waterlander, Tara A. Some tenants have tails: when housing
providers must permit animals to reside in “no-pet” properties. 18 Animal L. 321-359 (2012).
Favre, David. An international treaty for animal
welfare. 18 Animal L. 237-280 (2012).
Kikkert, Peter. Promoting national interests and fostering
cooperation: Canada and the development of a Polar Code. 43 J. Mar. L. & Com. 319-334 (2012).
Weiss, Edith Brown. Legacies of Louis B. Sohn: the United Nations
Charter and international environmental law.
16 Willamette J. Int’l L. & Disp. Resol. 212-224 (2008).
Noyes, John E. Louis B. Sohn and the law of the sea. 16 Willamette J. Int’l L. & Disp. Resol.
238-251 (2008).
Weiss, Edith Brown. Legacies of Louis B. Sohn: the United Nations
Charter and international environmental law.
16 Willamette J. Int’l L. & Disp. Resol. 212-224 (2008).
Shearer, Ivan. World peace through human rights, law of the
sea, and the United Nations: a tribute to Loius B. Sohn. 16 Willamette J. Int’l L. & Disp. Resol.
225-237 (2008).
Burt, Christopher. CO2 and regulation authority: the
legal and policy implications of California’s proposed cap-and-trade program
and Clean Air Act national ambient air quality greenhouse gas regulation. 44 Urb. Law. 429-464 (2012).
Burt, Christopher. CO2 and regulation authority: the
legal and policy implications of California’s proposed cap-and-trade program
and Clean Air Act national ambient air quality greenhouse gas regulation. 44 Urb. Law. 429-464 (2012).
Hahn, Robert W. and Robert N.
Stavins. The effect of allowance
allocations on cap-and-trade system performance. 54 J.L. & Econ. S267-S294 (2011).
Percival, Robert V., student
Katherine H. Cooper and student Matthew M. Gravens. CERCLA in a global context. 41 Sw. L. Rev. 727-772 (2012).
Ferrey, Steven. Reconfiguration of Superfund liability?: the
disconnection between Supreme Court decisions and the lower federal
courts. 41 Sw. L. Rev. 589-615 (2012).
Symposium. CERCLA and the
Future of Liability-Based Environmental Regulation. Foreword by Ronald G.
Aronovsky; articles by Steven Ferrey, Robin Kundis Craig, Joel A. Mintz, Alfred
R. (Fred) Light, Alexandra B. Klass, Robert V. Percival and students Katherine
H. Cooper and Matthew M. Gravens. 41 Sw.
L. Rev. 581-772 (2012).
Mintz, Joel A. EPA enforcement of CERCLA: historical
overview and recent trends. 41 Sw. L.
Rev. 645-659 (2012).
Klass, Alexandra B. CERCLA, state law, and federalism in the 21st
century. 41 Sw. L. Rev. 679-726 (2012).
Richardson, Nathan. Playing without aces: offsets and the limits
of flexibility under Clean Air Act climate policy. 42 Envtl. L. 735-783 (2012).
Brown, Christopher R. When the “plain text” isn’t so plain: how
National Pork Producers Council restricts the Clean Water Act’s purpose and
impairs its enforcement against factory farms.
16 Drake J. Agri. L. 375-428 (2011).
The Future of Climate Change
Litigation after AEP v. Connecticut. Henry N. Butler, moderator; Rick Faulk, Eric Lasker, Amanda Leiter, Mike
Myers, panelists. 8 J.L. Econ. &
Pol’y 233-256 (2011).
Coal and Environment.
Articles by Eric Schaeffer, Patrick R. Baker, Peter S. Glaser, F. William
Brownell, Victor E. Schwartz, Jonathan Skinner, Michael Brown, Patrick Charles
McGinley, Judge Charles H. Haden II and Wenxuan YU. 13 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 131-359 (2011).
Kotzé, Louis J. and Rebecca
Bates. Similar but different:
comparative perspectives on access to water in Australia and South Africa. 15 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 221-273 (2012).
Wolf, Elliot G. Note. Simultaneously waste and wasted
opportunity: the inequality of federal tax incentives for conservation easement
donations. 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 315-333 (2012).
Phelps, Jess R. Preserving preservation easements?:
preservation easements in an uncertain regulatory future. 91 Neb. L. Rev. 121-169 (2012).
Segarra, Jonathan Joseph
Beren. Above us the waves: defending the
expansive jurisdictional reach of American admiralty courts in determining the
recovery rights to ancient or historic wrecks.
43 J. Mar. L. & Com. 349-391 (2012).
Keeler, Honor. Indigenous international repatriation. 44 Ariz. St. L.J. 703-801 (2012).
Repatriation at Twenty: A
Gathering on Native Self-Determination and Human Rights. Introduction by James
Riding In; articles by Manley A. Begay, Jr., Roger Buffalohead, Walter
Echo-Hawk, Erin M. Genia, Suzan Shown Harjo, G. Peter Jemison, Honor Keeler,
Steve Titla, Rebecca Tsosie, W. Richard West, Jr., Mervin Wright, Jr., Pemina
Yellow Bird and students Alyson Vivattanapa and Naomi Thurston. 44 Ariz. St. L.J. 613-926 (2012).
Erikson, Andrew B. Student chapter. Grizzly bear recovery,
whitebark pine, and adequate regulatory mechanisms under the Endangered Species
Act. (Greater Yellowstone Coal v.
Servheen, 665 F.3d 1015, 2011.) 42
Envtl. L. 943-975 (2012).
Ruhl, J.B. The Endangered Species Act’s fall from grace
in the Supreme Court. 36 Harv. Envtl. L.
Rev. 487-532 (2012).
Symposium: Environmental
Impacts of Oil and Gas. Articles by Carl R. Galant, Bruce M. Kramer,
Christopher S. Kulander, Edmund R. McCarthy, Jr. and Mark McPherson. 44 Tex. Tech. L. Rev. 817-996 (2012).
Burr, Carolyn F., Rebecca W.
Watson and student Chelsea Huffman.
Water: the fuel for Colorado energy.
15 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 275-327 (2012).
Curtis, Spencer. Casenote. From tailwind to typhoon: Alliance
to Protect Nantucket Sound, Inc. v. Energy Facilities Siting Bd. blows federal
jurisdiction inland and creates dangerous precedent under slipshod
interpretation. (Alliance to Protect
Nantucket Sound, Inc. v. Energy Facilities Siting Bd., 932 N.E.2d 787,
2010.) 23 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 247-276
Parke, Nicolas. Comment. How much is fair?: will Senate Bill
18 ensure condemnors pay just compensation for land taken due to the CREZ
transmission lines? 44 Tex. Tech. L.
Rev. 1121-1163 (2012).
America’s Energy Plan: From
Dinosaurs to the Next Generation—Evolution or Extinction? Introduction by
Candace Carpenter; articles by Jonathan C. Augustine, Loïc Conan, Emeka
Duruigbo, Wesley N. Harris and Misty Robinson.
37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 175-327 (2012).
Kazazis, Alexander. Note. The Western Climate Initiative: the
fate of an experiment in subnational cross-border environmental collaboration. 37 Brook. J. Int’l L. 1177-1214 (2012).
Cudiamat, Nicole
Angeline. Note. Displacement disparity:
filling the gap of protection for the environmentally displaced person. 46 Val. U. L. Rev. 891-938 (2012).
Hansen, Rick E. Climate change disclosure by SEC registrants:
revisiting the SEC’s 2010 interpretive release.
6 Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L. 487-552 (2012)
Morles, Gustavo. Student article. Catastrophe lurks in South America:
tainted food and international commerce in the Andean Community of
Nations. 39 Syracuse J. Int’l L. &
Com. 411-439 (2012).
Benny, Erik. Student essay. “Natural” modifications: the
FDA’s need to promulgate an official definition of “natural” that includes
genetically modified organisms. 80 Geo.
Wash. L. Rev. 1504-1526 (2012).
Van Zuiden, Stacey H. Note. The good food fight for Good
Samaritans: the history of alleviating liability and equalizing tax incentives
for food donors. 17 Drake J. Agri. L.
237-262 (2012).
Harris, Wesley N. China energy: a crossroads
historiography. 37 T. Marshall L. Rev.
255-301 (2012).
Benda, Stan. From the land that brought you William
Shatner: a warp speed overview of Canadian agricultural law and history. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 207-240 (2011).
Alviar Garciá, Helena. Searching for women and sustainable
development in Colombia: restructuring the limits. 23 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 22-43 (2012).
Murthy, Sharmila L. Iraq’s constitutional mandate to justly
distribute water: the implications of federalism, Islam, international law, and
human rights. 42 Geo. Wash. Int’l L.
Rev. 749-785 (2010).
YU, Wenxuan. Low-carbon and more: challenges and solutions
of China’s coal industry legislation. 13
Vt. J. Envtl. L. 333-359 (2011).
Fox, Cory. Comment. Resisting antibiotic resistance:
legal strategies to maintain man’s dominion over microbes. 12 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 35-61
Andreen, William L. Of fables and federalism: a re-examination of
the historical rationale for federal environmental regulation. 42 Envtl. L. 627-679 (2012).
Kramer, Bruce M. Federal legislative and administrative
regulation of hydraulic fracturing operations.
44 Tex. Tech. L. Rev. 837-862 (2012).
Van Ort, Travis D. Note. Hydraulic fracturing additives: a
solution to the tension between trade secret protection and demands for public
disclosure. 4 Ky. J. Equine, Agri.,
& Nat. Resources L. 439-458 (2011-2012).
Manor, Neal J. Note. “What the frack?” Why hydraulic
fracturing is abnormally dangerous and whether courts should allow strict
liability causes of action. 4 Ky. J.
Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources L. 459-478 (2011-2012).
Perkins, Nancy D. The fracturing of place: the regulation of
Marcellus Shale development and the subordination of local experience. 23 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 44-79 (2012).
Kerner, Kathleen. Recent development. Fracturing the
environment?: exploring potential problems posed by horizontal drilling
methods. 1 U. Balt. J. Land & Dev.
235-245 (2012).
Conan, Loïc. Materialization of political risk in the oil
& gas industry: the case of Egypt in the turmoil of the Arab Spring. 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 213-229 (2012).
McKenzie, Scott O. Note. Egypt’s choice: from the Nile Basin
Treaty to the Cooperative Framework Agreement, an international legal
analysis. 21 Transnat’l L. &
Contemp. Probs. 571-599 (2012).
Gathii, James and Keith H.
Hirakawa. Curtailing ecosystem
exportation: ecosystem services as a basis to reconsider export-driven
agriculture in economies highly dependent on agricultural exports. 30 Va. Envtl. L.J. 1-27 (2012).
McNish, Tyler. Carbon offsets are a bridge too far in the
tradable property rights revolution. 36
Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 387-443 (2012).
Morosini, Fabio. Trade and climate change: unveiling the
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities from the WTO
agreements. 42 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev.
713-748 (2010).
Barrett, Catherine Anne. Note. A rose by any other statute would smell
as sweet: patent protection of ornamental plants. 4 Ky. J. Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources
L. 501-524 (2011-2012).
Birch, Michael. Student article. Take some land for the ball
game: sports stadiums, eminent domain, and the public use doctrine. 19 Sports Law. J. 173-207 (2012).
Galiani, Sebastian and
Ernesto Schargrodsky. Land property
rights and resource allocation. 54 J.L.
& Econ. S329-S345 (2011).
Spoerl, Douglas. Comment. Land aesthetics v. wireless channel
access: the case for local authority to regulate the visible, but not the
wireless, interface of antennas. 1 U.
Balt. J. Land & Dev. 177-206 (2012).
Cox, Edward. Helping landowners help new farmers:
incentive programs and other legal tools for transitioning land to the next
generation of farmers. 17 Drake J. Agri.
L. 37-54 (2012).
Pedrozo, Pete. The U.S.-China Incidents at Sea Agreement: a
recipe for disaster. 6 J. Nat’l Sec. L.
& Pol’y 207-226 (2012).
Craig, Robin Kundis. Ocean governance for the 21st century: making
marine zoning climate change adaptable.
36 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 305-350 (2012).
Neace, Steven A. Note. The bait and switch: equitable estoppel
and Mine Safety and Health Administration jurisdiction. 4 Ky. J. Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources
L. 417-437 (2011-2012).
Symposium. The Biggest Issues
for the Smallest Stuff: Nanotechnology Regulation and Risk Management. Foreword
by Blair H. Moses; articles by Gary E. Marchant, Blake Atkinson, David Banko,
Joshua Bromley, Edith Cseke, Evan Feldstein, Devin Garcia, Justin M. Grant,
Connor Hubach, Monika Silva, Robert L. Swinford, Simon Willman, Kenneth W.
Abbott, Elizabeth A. Corley, Edward R. Glady, Jr., Gregorio M. Garcia, Blair H.
Moses, Daniel J. Fiorino, Timothy F. Malloy, Kiril D. Hristovski, Youngjae Kim
and Dietram A. Scheufele. 52 Jurimetrics
J. 239-381 (2012).
Hristovski, Kiril D. Scientific challenges of nanomaterial risk
assessment. 52 Jurimetrics J. 359-370
Segal, Alice. Note. Uranium mining and the Navajo Nation—legal
injustice. 21 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc.
Just. 355-397 (2012).
Hamilton, Jessica A.R. Note. Finding new power in the wind, the
earth, and the sun: a survey of the regulation of alternative energy generated
in American Indian reservations in the United States and First Nation reserves
in Canada. 44 Conn. L. Rev. 1383-1416
Shown Harjo, Suzan. Native American human rights acts: a brief
account of some ways that Native Peoples and friends won repatriation and
national Indian museum laws. 44 Ariz.
St. L.J. 681-696 (2012).
Baldridge, Kate. Student article. Disaster resilience: a study
of San Francisco’s soft-story building problem.
44 Urb. Law. 465-492 (2012).
Sweeney, Patricia and Ryan
Joyce. Gubernatorial emergency
management powers: testing the limits in Pennsylvania. 6 Pitt. J. Envtl. L. & Pub. Health L.
149-177 (2012).
Augustine, Jonathan C. A national model for disaster recovery:
growing green jobs in the age of energy efficiency. 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 179-212 (2012).
Faure, Michael and Jing
Liu. New models for the compensation of
natural resources damage. 4 Ky. J.
Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources L. 261-314 (2011-2012).
Tomasovic, Brian S. The fate of treated wood infrastructure. 30 Va. Envtl. L.J. 28-71 (2012).
Thrope, Jonathan. Case comment.
(Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service, 670 F.3d 236,
2011.) 36 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 567-598
Fang, Lilly. Note. Environmental review problems of
cross-border projects under NEPA: lessons from the tar sands pipelines. 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 285-313 (2012).
Braeuer, Sally. Casenote. A slick situation: the First Circuit
creates a buzz and it turns to NEPA to strengthen federal oil spill regulation
in ... (United States v. Coalition for
Buzzards Bay, 644 F.3d 26, 2011.) 23
Vill. Envtl. L.J. 173-210 (2012).
Yanishevskiy, Denis. Casenote. The California project: Federal
Government continues trend of preempting state law in the field of nuclear
safety in ... (Boeing Co. v. Robinson,
2011 WL 1748312, 2011.) 23 Vill. Envtl.
L.J. 277-302 (2012).
Behrens, Brady Paul. Comment. Rule 37 exceptions and small mineral
tracts in urban areas: an argument for incorporating compulsory pooling into
special field rules in Texas. 44 Tex.
Tech. L. Rev. 1053-1086 (2012).
Claveloux, Jacob and Jon
Stockman. Note. Eastern Enterprises as
the canary in the coalmine: will the Supreme Court hamper the Gulf workforce by
continuing to confuse the constitutionality of retroactive liability
provisions? 29 Hofstra Lab. & Emp.
L.J. 609-649 (2012).
Larsen, Gaia J. Skewed incentives: how offshore drilling
policies fail to induce innovation to reduce social and environmental
costs. 31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 139-194
Varty, Johna. Case note. Pawnee Well Users v. Wolfe: the
natural successor to Vance v. Wolfe.
(Pawnee Well Users v. Wolfe, No. 2010CW98, 2011.) 15 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 469-488 (2012).
Duruigbo, Emeka. Oil, turmoil, and a Texas export for energy
security. 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 231-254
Harrigan, Ryan. Comment. TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline:
politics, environmental harm & eminent domain abuse. 1 U. Balt. J. Land & Dev. 207-234 (2012).
Brendan. Case comment. (In re:
Oil Spill by the Oil Rig “Deepwater Horizon” in the Gulf of Mexico, on April
20, 2011, Order of Aug. 26, 2011, 808 F. Supp. 2d 943, 2011.) 36 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 533-566 (2012).
Kelly, Devin C. Note. Industry overboard: how the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill affected the Gulf Coast commercial fishing industry and
statutory recommendations for future protection. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 463-485 (2011).
Gignilliat, William R. Roscoe Hogan Environmental Law Essay Contest
winner. The Gulf oil spill: OPA, state law, and maritime preemption. 13 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 385-416 (2011).
Slagle, Emily. Note. Troubled waters: what the Gulf oil
spill reveals about the consequences of bankruptcy. 13 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 361-384 (2011).
Nelson, Ricky R. Student chapter. Covert RCRA enforcement:
seeking compensatory damages under the Federal Tort Claims Act for
environmental contamination. (Myers v.
United States, 652 F.3d 1021, 2011.) 42
Envtl. L. 909-941 (2012).
Mormann, Felix. Enhancing the investor appeal of renewable
energy. 42 Envtl. L. 681-734 (2012).
Maguire, Colin W. The imposing specter of municipal liability
for exclusive promotion of green building certification systems. 1 U. Balt. J. Land & Dev. 157-175 (2012).
and the Future of Sustainability. Opening remarks by Lucy Wanjiru; articles by
Tracy Higgins, Jeanmarie French, Helena Alviar Garciá and Nancy D.
Perkins. 23 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 1-79
Ballif, Tori. Note. Political fallout: designing a
radiation exposure compensation scheme.
31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 253-283 (2012).
Sease, Matt G. Note. What’s that smell: septic systems and
Iowa’s time of transfer law. 16 Drake J.
Agri. L. 343-358 (2011).
Eckstein, Gabriel and George
William Sherk. Alternative strategies
for addressing the presence and effects of pharmaceutical and personal care
products in fresh water resources. 15 U.
Denv. Water L. Rev. 369-445 (2012).
Longhurst, Corey. Note. Where is the point? Water quality
trading’s inability to deal with nonpoint source agricultural pollution. 17 Drake J. Agri. L. 175-209 (2012).
Brechtel, Vailferree S. Student article. Delving into Rapanos v.
United States, United States v. Bailey, and regulatory guidance: the importance
of science in determining federal jurisdiction over wetlands. (Rapanos v. United States, 547 U.S. 715,
2006.) 57 S.D. L. Rev. 67-97 (2012).
Salkin, Patricia E. and
student Zachary Kansler. Medical
marijuana zoned out: local regulation meets state acceptance and federal quiet
acquiescence. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 295-319