Craig, Robin Kundis. Agencies
interpreting courts interpreting statutes:
the deference conundrum of a divided Supreme Court. 61 Emory L.J. 1-68 (2011).
Johnson, Stephen M. Disclosing
the President’s role in rulemaking: a
critique of the reform proposals. 60
Cath. U. L. Rev. 1003-1044 (2011).
O’Connell, Anne Joseph. Agency
rulemaking and political transitions.
105 Nw. U. L. Rev. 471-534 (2011).
Gonzalez, Carmen G. Climate
change, food security, and agrobiodiversity:
toward a just, resilient, and sustainable food system. 22 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 493-522 (2011).
Kimmell, Kenneth and Dawn Stolfi Stalenhoef. The Cape Wind offshore wind energy
project: a case study of the difficult
transition to renewable energy. 5 Golden
Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 197-225 (2011).
Rodriguez, Sheila. The morally
informed consumer: examining animal
welfare claims on egg labels. 30 Temp.
J. Sci. Tech. & Envtl. L. 51-79 (2011).
Schrengohst, Karina L.
Note. Animal law — cultivating
compassionate law: unlocking the
laboratory door and shining light on the inadequacies & contradictions of
the Animal Welfare Act. 33 W. New Eng.
L. Rev. 855-900 (2011).
Moser, Adam and Tseming Yang.
Environmental tort litigation in China.
41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10895-10901 (2011).
Zhang, Xuehua. China’s
environmental administrative enforcement system. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis
10890-10894 (2011).
Stensvaag, John-Mark. Preventing
significant deterioration under the Clean Air Act: the BACT requirement and the BACT
definition. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News &
Analysis 10902-10920 (2011).
Dahab, Nadia H. Note. Muddying the waters of Clean Water Act
permitting: NEDC reconsidered. 90 Or. L.
Rev. 335-358 (2011).
Babie, Paul. Choices that
matter: three propositions on the
individual, private property, and anthropogenic climate change. 22 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y
323-356 (2011).
Hellums, Sandy D. and Katharine D. David. Slip slidin’ away: easements, avulsion, access, and the ever
changing law of beach front property. 43
Urb. Law. 813-822 (2011).
Conservation Easements: New
Perspectives in an Evolving World.
Foreword by James L. Olmsted; articles by Jeff Pidot, Daniel Halperin,
James L. Olmsted, Jesse J. Richardson, Jr., Amanda C. Bernard, Julie Ann
Gustanski, John B. Wright, Adena R. Rissman, Laurie A. Wayburn, Jessica Owley,
W. William Weeks, Richard Brewer and Nancy A. McLaughlin. 74 Law & Contemp. Probs. 1-295 (2011).
McLaughlin, Nancy A. Conservation
easements and the doctrine of merger. 74
Law & Contemp. Probs. 279-295 (2011).
Bodie, Matthew T. NASCAR
green: the problem of sustainability in
corporations and corporate law. 46 Wake
Forest L. Rev. 491-522 (2011).
Ferrey, Steven. The new climate
metric: the sustainable corporation and
energy. 46 Wake Forest L. Rev. 383-427
Wagner, Wendy E. Imagining
corporate sustainability as a public good rather than a corporate bad. 46 Wake Forest L. Rev. 561-589 (2011).
Offshore Energy Projects: New
Priorities in the Wake of the BP Gulf Disaster.
Introduction by Paul Stanton Kibel and student Angela Haren Kelley;
articles by Rebecca M. Bratspies, Leila Monroe, Alfred R. Light, Rachael
Salcido, Danielle Murray, Christopher Carr, Jennifer Jeffers, Alejandra
Núñez-Luna, Kenneth Kimmell, Dawn Stolfi Stalenhoef and Linda Krop. 5 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 1-251 (2011).
Merjian, Armen H. Washington
Park Lead Committee, Inc. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency: Helen Person and the landmark struggle
against environmental injustice. 30
Chicana/o-Latina/o L. Rev. 65-95 (2011).
Roesler, Shannon M. Addressing environmental
injustices: a capability approach to
rulemaking. 114 W. Va. L. Rev. 49-107
Deatherage, Scott D.
Environmental law. 64 SMU L. Rev.
239-252 (2011).
Recent developments. In the
Congress. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News &
Analysis 10957-10958 (2011).
Recent developments. In the
courts. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News &
Analysis 10958-10960 (2011).
Recent developments. In the
federal agencies. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News
& Analysis 10960-10965 (2011).
Recent developments. In the
state agencies. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News
& Analysis 10965-10968 (2011).
Hammitt, Jennifer. Note. Who’s afraid of the Supremacy Clause? State regulation of air pollution from
offshore ships is upheld in Pacific
Merchant Shipping Ass’n v. Goldstene.
66 U. Miami L. Rev. 53-77 (2011).
Patterson, Katie. Note. Overcoming barriers to indigenous peoples’
participation in forest carbon markets.
22 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 417-445 (2011).
Mayer, Benoit. The international
legal challenges of climate-induced migration:
proposal for an international legal framework. 22 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y
357-416 (2011).
Shaffer, Jacob R. Note. Rescuing the international arbitral
model: identifying the problem in
natural resources trade and development.
114 W. Va. L. Rev. 309-346 (2011).
Salkin, Patricia E. Failure to
articulate clear ethics rules and standards at the local level continues to
haunt local land use decision makers. 43
Urb. Law. 757-773 (2011).
Salkin, Patricia E. and Amy Lavine.
Regional foodsheds: are our local
zoning and land use regulations healthy?
22 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 599-632 (2011).
Wilson, Paul D. and Noah C. Shaw.
Robber barons, back-stabbers and extortionists: how far does Anti-SLAPP protection go? 43 Urb. Law. 745-756 (2011).
Gilman, Ryan. Comment. Expanding environmental justice after
war: the need for universal jurisdiction
over environmental war crimes. 22 Colo.
J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 447-471 (2011).
Agee, Erin B. Note. In the Federal Government we trust? Federal funding for tribal water rights
settlements and the Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act. 21 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 201-226
Erlinder, Peter.
Treaty-guaranteed usufructuary rights:
Minnesota v. Mille Lacs Band of
Chippewa Indians ten years on. 41
Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10921-10935 (2011).
Krop, Linda. How states can affect federal deepwater port
LNG licensing decisions: a case study
involving the Deepwater Port Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act. 5 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 227-251 (2011).
Holmes, Elisabeth A. and Charles M. Tebbutt. Power, politics, and poison: the story behind National Cotton Council of America v. U.S. EPA. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis
10946-10956 (2011).
Liss, Jodi. Negotiating the
Marcellus: the role of information in
building trust in extractive deals. 27
Negotiation J. 419-446 (2011).
Murray, Danielle, Christopher Carr, Jennifer Jeffers and Alejandra
Núñez-Luna. Riding the wave: confronting jurisdictional and regulatory
barriers to ocean energy development. 5
Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 159-195 (2011).
Salcido, Rachael. Siting
offshore hydrokinetic energy projects: a
comparative look at wave energy regulation in the Pacific Northwest. 5 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 109-158 (2011).
Brown, Richard F. Oil, gas and
mineral law. 64 SMU L. Rev. 417-442
Koons, Judith E. Earth
jurisprudence and the story of oil:
intergenerational justice for the post-petroleum period. 46 U.S.F. L. Rev. 93-138 (2011).
Bratspies, Rebecca M. A
regulatory wake-up call: lessons from
BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster. 5
Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 7-60 (2011).
Guajardo, Joseph. Comment. Deepwater
Horizon: rethinking OPA’s liability
limitations in the wake of environmental disaster. 48 Hous. L. Rev. 625-657 (2011).
Light, Alfred R. The Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill Trust and the Gulf Coast Claims Facility: the “Superfund” myth and the law of
unintended consequences. 5 Golden Gate
U. Envtl. L.J. 87-108 (2011).
Monroe, Leila. Restructure and
reform: post-BP Deepwater Horizon
proposals to improve oversight of offshore oil and gas activities. 5 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 61-85 (2011).
Bussiere, William J. Note. Extinguishing dried-up public trust
rights. 91 B.U. L. Rev. 1749-1781 (2011).
Kleeger, Jeffrey. Blight makes
right: utilization as public use. 43 Urb. Law. 889-900 (2011).
Thomas, Robert H. Recent
developments in condemnation law: public
use, private property. 43 Urb. Law.
877-888 (2011).
Wade, William W. Sources of
regulatory takings economic confusion subsequent to Penn Central. 41 Envtl. L.
Rep. News & Analysis 10936-10945 (2011).
Wheelock, David S. Note. Every grain of sand: would a judicial takings doctrine freeze the
common law of property? 61 Duke L.J.
433-468 (2011).
Rosenthal, Brent M. Toxic torts
and mass torts. 64 SMU L. Rev. 583-596
Key Issues for Reform of TSCA.
Leslie Carothers, moderator; Connie Detford, J. Clarence Davies, Mark A.
Greenwood and Andy Igrejas, panelists.
41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10873-10874 (2011).
Silverman, David S. Green
transportation: roadblocks and avenues
for promoting low-impact transportation choices. 43 Urb. Law. 775-788 (2011).
LaManna, Eva Melody. Note. Three’s a crowd: examining Georgia’s options in the Tri-State
Water Wars under principles of international law. 39 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 215-239
Masten, Scott E. Public utility
ownership in 19th-century America: the
“aberrant” case of water. 27 J.L. Econ.
& Org. 604-654 (2011).
Anderson, Arthur J. Zoning and
land use. 64 SMU L. Rev. 617-634 (2011).
Sullivan, Edward J. Recent
developments in comprehensive planning law.
43 Urb. Law. 823-837 (2011).