Thursday, April 4, 2013 | 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Hofstra University Club
This conference will examine the significant flaws that
Superstorm Sandy revealed in our housing, transit and electric power systems
and infrastructure, and the legal implications of addressing those
vulnerabilities and climate-change-related impacts. The panelists will discuss
how making our communities more resilient will require a rethinking of physical
changes to our environment and also a reconsideration of local, federal and
state land use and environmental laws and regulations. Insurance and risk
management have played and will continue to play a central role in response and
recovery; those topics and sources of funding for rebuilding and mitigation
will also be addressed.
Opening remarks by Edward P. Mangano, Nassau County
7.5 CLE credits are available.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Michael Bogin, Partner, Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.
Carol Casazza Herman, Visiting Practitioner-in-Residence in
Environmental Law and Special Professor of Law, Maurice A. Deane School of Law
at Hofstra University
For more information, please contact Professor Carol Casazza
Herman at or 516-463-2797.