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Thursday, December 13, 2012
Congressional Research Service Report Released: Nuclear Energy: Overview of Congressional Issues
The policy
debate over the role of nuclear power in the nation’s energy mix is rooted in
the technology’s fundamental characteristics. Nuclear reactors can produce potentially
vast amounts of energy with relatively low consumption of natural resources and
emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. However, facilities that
produce nuclear fuel for civilian power reactors can also produce materials for
nuclear weapons. The process of nuclear fission (splitting of atomic nuclei) to
generate power also results in the production of radioactive material that must
be contained in the reactor and can remain hazardous for thousands of years.
How to manage the weapons proliferation and safety risks of nuclear power, or
whether nuclear power is worth those risks, are issues that have long been
debated in Congress.
The 104
licensed nuclear power reactors at 65 sites in the United States generate about
20% of the nation’s electricity. Five new reactors are currently licensed for
construction. About a dozen more are planned, but whether they move forward
will depend largely on their economic competitiveness with natural gas and coal
plants. Throughout the world, 436 reactors are currently in service, and 62
more are under construction.
The March 2011
disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan increased
attention to nuclear safety throughout the world. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC), which issues and enforces nuclear safety requirements,
established a task force to identify lessons from Fukushima applicable to U.S.
reactors. The task force’s report led to NRC’s first Fukushima-related
regulatory requirements on March 12, 2012. Several other countries, such as
Germany and Japan, eliminated or reduced their planned future reliance on
nuclear power after the accident.
radioactive spent nuclear fuel that is regularly removed from nuclear power
plants is currently stored at plant sites in the United States. Plans for a
permanent underground repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, were abandoned by the
Obama Administration, although that decision is being challenged in court. The
Obama Administration appointed the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear
Future to recommend an alternative nuclear waste policy. The Commission
recommended in January 2012 that new candidate sites for nuclear waste storage
and disposal facilities be selected through a “consent based” process.
The level of
security that must be provided at nuclear power plants has been a high-profile
issue since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001. Since
those attacks, NRC issued a series of orders and regulations that substantially
increased nuclear plant security requirements, although industry critics
contend that those measures are still insufficient.
exports of U.S. civilian nuclear products, services, and technology while
making sure they are not used for foreign nuclear weapons programs has long
been a fundamental goal of U.S. nuclear energy policy. Recent proposals to
build nuclear power plants in several countries in the less developed world,
including the Middle East, have prompted concerns that international controls
may prove inadequate.
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