Thursday, December 8, 2011

Protecting Our Chesapeake, Protecting Our National Parks -- NPCA

Protecting Our Chesapeake, Protecting Our National Parks is a report, dated November 17, 2011 by the Natinal Parks Conservation Association.

"The health of our national parks depends on the health of the landscapes that surround them; therefore, the parks around the Chesapeake face many of the same threats that the Chesapeake and its rivers face.
“Protecting Our Chesapeake, Protecting Our National Parks” explores two historical parks in the Chesapeake watershed, Colonial National Historical Park on the James and York rivers and Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine on the Patapsco River. It recounts what the rivers looked like before significant agricultural practices, oyster harvesting, and extensive human development. It recommends options to restore the Chesapeake Bay and their national parks to a highly productive ecosystem with cleaner water, fewer toxic contaminants, and more abundant aquatic and terrestrial life. Our national parks help us recognize what has been lost and so help us see what we have the opportunity to regain."

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