The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers undertakes activities to maintain
navigable channels, reduce flood and storm damage, and restore aquatic
ecosystems. Congress directs the Corps through authorizations, appropriations,
and oversight of its studies, construction projects, and other activities. This
report summarizes congressional authorization and appropriations processes for the
Corps. It also discusses agency activities under general authorities.
Authorization of Water Resources Activities. Congress generally authorizes Corps activities and provides
policy direction in Water Resources Development Acts (WRDAs). The most recent WRDA
was enacted in 2007 (P.L. 110-114). Pressure to authorize new projects and
modify existing projects promotes fairly regular WRDA consideration. WRDAs
historically have been omnibus bills including many provisions for
site-specific activities; how to construct a WRDA bill that complies with House
rules related to a moratorium on Member-requested earmarks complicated WRDA
consideration in the 112th Congress. The 113th Congress
began consideration of a WRDA with S. 601 in the Senate in March 2013. S. 601 would
authorize Corps activities and modifications of existing authorizations that
meet certain criteria; the bill includes numerous other provisions as it
attempts to address issues with the duration and cost of Corps projects. The bill
also would establish new procedures for using Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund
monies, in an effort to expand spending above current levels.
Agency Appropriations. Federal funding for most Corps civil works activities is
provided in annual Energy and Water Development appropriations acts or supplemental
appropriations acts. At times these acts also have included Corps
authorizations. In part because of competition for funds and because Corps
authorizations outpace appropriations, many authorized activities have not
received appropriations. There is a backlog of more than 1,000 authorized
studies and construction projects. In recent years, few new studies and new construction
activities have been in either the President’s budget request or enacted
Standard Project Development. The standard process for a Corps project requires two separate congressional
authorizations—one for investigation and one for construction—as well as appropriations.
The investigation phase starts with Congress authorizing a study; if it is funded,
the Corps conducts an initial reconnaissance study followed by a more detailed
feasibility study. Congressional authorization for construction is based on the
feasibility study. For most activities, Congress requires a nonfederal sponsor
to share some portion of study and construction costs. These cost-sharing
requirements vary by the type of project. For many project types (e.g.,
levees), nonfederal sponsors are responsible for operation and maintenance once
construction is complete.
Other Corps Activities and Authorities. Although the project development process just described is
standard, there are exceptions. Congress has granted the Corps some general authorities
to undertake some studies, small projects, technical assistance, and emergency
actions such as flood-fighting and repair of damaged levees. Additionally, the
Corps conducts emergency response actions directed by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
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