contributes to filling the information gap that currently impairs conservation planning in the area by implementing comprehensive assessments of the freshwater biodiversity through detailed evaluations of species distributions, ecology and extinction risk. The exceptional concentration of species found in the freshwaters of the Indo-Burma region, coupled with the essential ecosystem services that are supplied to humanity by these freshwaters and their biodiversity, and the increasing threats to the ecosystems, indicate the importance and urgency of this project.
Pace Environmental Notes, the weblog of the Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Collection, is a gateway to news, recent books and articles, information resources, and legal research strategies relevant to the fields of environmental, energy, land use, animal law and other related disciplines.
Friday, October 26, 2012
International Union for the Conservation of Nature Report Released: The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in Indo-Burma
This month, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report titled, The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in Indo-Burma. The 172-page report available here, as a downloadable pdf,
International Union for the Conservation of Nature Report Released: Improving Ecosystem Functionality and Livelihood: Experiences in Forest Landscape Restoration and Management
This month, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a paper titled, Improving Ecosystem Functionality and Livelihood: Experiences in Forest Landscape Restoration and Management. The 26-page paper available here, as a downloadable pdf,
examines how interventions intended to improve functionality and productivity of forested landscapes to improve livelihoods of the poorest populations, might actually yield co-benefits in terms of biodiversity conservation. Using case studies from eight landscapes involved in Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy it presents evidence for the benefits of landscape approaches to forest restoration.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature Report Released: Spineless: Status and Trends of the World's Invertebrates
This month, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report titled, Spineless: Status and Trends of the World's Invertebrates. The 88-page report available here, as a downloadable pdf,
contains the most comprehensive assessment of the status and trends of the world’s invertebrates conducted to date. It introduces the staggering diversity of invertebrates, ranging from microscopic zooplankton to giant squid. These organisms represent around 80% of the known species on our planet, providing a rich and varied component of the natural world. They are our natural capital; the engineers of the many benefits which humans accrue from an intact and fully functioning environment.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature Report Released: Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy: Results and Resolutions
This month, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report titled, Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy: Results and Resolutions. The 47-page report available here, as a downloadable pdf discusses the
Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy (LLS) . . . a five-year program implemented by IUCN, focusing on four main themes: poverty reduction, natural resource-based markets and incentives, forest governance, and landscape transformation. This final report summarizes the objectives, activities, outcomes and impacts of LLS up to December 2011, and reflects on the learning and the lessons that have been generated by the Strategy.
Related Links:
Livelihood and Landscapes Strategy, IUCN (last visited Oct. 26, 2012).International Energy Agency Journal Releases Latest Edition: Energy Security: Oil
This month, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released volume three of IEA Energy: Journal of the International Energy Agency titled, Energy Security: Oil. The 52-page issue is available free as a downloadable pdf here. The journal,
IEA Energy covers a broad range of today’s energy issues, from technology to market developments, and highlights the energy challenges of tomorrow. It features a variety of perspectives from government, industry and other intergovernmental organisations – both in IEA member countries and beyond – as well as from IEA experts.Prior editions of this journal are available here:
- Energy Security: Oil, Autumn 2012, Issue 3
- Renewable Energy: Coming of Age, Spring 2012, Issue 2
- Ministerial 2011, Autumn 2011, Issue 1
Energy Security,
International Energy Agency,
Thursday, October 25, 2012
U.S. Energy Information Administration's Monthly Energy Review Released for October 2012
Today, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its Monthy Energy Review for October 2012. The 211-page report available here as a pdf, was released on Oct. 25th is "[a] publication of recent energy statistics. This publication includes total
energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of
petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and
international petroleum; carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversions
values." Report sections include the following sections: Overview, Energy Consumption by Sector, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Crude Oil & Natural Gas Development, Coal, Electricity, Nuclear Energy, Energy Prices, Renewable Energy, International Petroleum, Environment and Appendices.
Previous editions of the report are available here, dating back to 1996 with Historical Information available from 1973 to 1992.
Previous editions of the report are available here, dating back to 1996 with Historical Information available from 1973 to 1992.
EPA Releases New Phone App: How's My Waterway
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new phone app and website titled How's My Waterway. According the the agency's press release, the app is designed to "help people find information on the condition of thousands of lakes, rivers and
streams across the United States from their smart phone, tablet or desktop
computer. The release of the app and website helps mark the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act,
which Congress enacted on October 18, 1972, giving citizens a special role in
caring for the nation’s water resources."
• SEARCH: Go to and allow GPS-technology to identify the nearest streams, rivers or lakes or enter a zip code or city name.
• RESULTS: Instantly receive a list of waterways within five miles of the search location. Each waterway is identified as unpolluted, polluted or unassessed. A map option offers the user a view of the search area with the results color-coded by assessment status.• DISCOVER: Once a specific lake, river or stream is selected, the How’s My Waterway app and website provides information on the type of pollution reported for that waterway and what has been done by EPA and the states to reduce it. Additional reports and technical information is available for many waterways. Read simple descriptions of each type of water pollutant, including pollutant type, likely sources and potential health risks.• MORE: Related links page connects users to popular water information on beaches, drinking water and fish and wildlife habitat based on a user’s search criteria.
U.S. Geological Survey Article Advisory: A Risk-based Approach to Evaluating Wildlife Demographics for Management in a Changing Climate: A Case Study of the Lewis's Woodpecker
Yesterday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) advised of the release of an article, titled A Risk-based Approach to Evaluating Wildlife Demographics for Management in a Changing Climate: A Case Study of the Lewis's Woodpecker, published online Oct. 15, 2012 in Environmental Management. The article, authored by Erin Towler et al. available here (also as a pdf), according to the abstract, discusses how
[g]iven the projected threat that climate change poses to biodiversity, the need for proactive response efforts is clear. However, integrating uncertain climate change information into conservation planning is challenging, and more explicit guidance is needed. To this end, this article provides a specific example of how a risk-based approach can be used to incorporate a species’ response to climate into conservation decisions. This is shown by taking advantage of species’ response (i.e., impact) models that have been developed for a well-studied bird species of conservation concern. Specifically, we examine the current and potential impact of climate on nest survival of the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in two different habitats. To address climate uncertainty, climate scenarios are developed by manipulating historical weather observations to create ensembles (i.e., multiple sequences of daily weather) that reflect historical variability and potential climate change. These ensembles allow for a probabilistic evaluation of the risk posed to Lewis’s Woodpecker nest survival and are used in two demographic analyses. First, the relative value of each habitat is compared in terms of nest survival, and second, the likelihood of exceeding a critical population threshold is examined. By embedding the analyses in a risk framework, we show how management choices can be made to be commensurate with a defined level of acceptable risk. The results can be used to inform habitat prioritization and are discussed in the context of an economic framework for evaluating trade-offs between management alternatives.
Climate Change,
U.S. Geological Survey,
GAO Report Released: Manufactured Housing Standards: Testing and Performance Evaluation Could Better Ensure Safe Indoor Air Quality
Recently, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report, titled Manufactured Housing Standards: Testing and Performance Evaluation Could Better Ensure Safe Indoor Air Quality GAO-13-52 (Oct. 24, 2012). The details of the 34-page report, available here, are discussed below:
Why GAO Did This Study
Since 1976, HUD has been responsible for developing construction and safety standards (the HUD Code) for manufactured homes. Concerns have been raised by Congress and others about existing HUD code requirements that are intended to ensure proper indoor air quality, including protecting occupants from potential carbon monoxide exposure. As requested, GAO examined 1) existing standards for separating air intakes and exhaust vents in both manufactured and site-built homes; 2) reasons for differences in ventilation standards for manufactured and site-built homes; and 3) the number of manufactured homes built, the distances between their air intakes and exhaust vents, and the performance of their ventilation systems. GAO reviewed documentation from HUD and building standards organizations to determine differences in requirements tied to ventilation and air quality, reviewed the rulemaking process and status of proposed updates to manufactured housing standards related to ventilation and air quality, analyzed data on the occupancy of manufactured houses subject to HUD's standards, assessed HUD's efforts to ensure compliance with certain standards, and interviewed agency officials and indoor air quality experts.
What GAO Recommends
GAO recommends that HUD test the performance of installed ventilation systems and reassess its ventilation standards. HUD generally agreed with both recommendations and stated that it would bring them before the MHCC for consideration.
UNEP Global Environmental Alert Released for October: Growing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Meat Production
This month, the United Nations Environment Programme released a new Global Environmental Alert titled, Growing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Meat Production (Oct. 2012). The 10-page alert, available here as a pdf focuses on issues pertaining to Climate change, Resource efficiency, and Ecosystem management and discusses how "[b]oth intensive (industrial) and non-intensive (traditional) forms of meat production result in the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs), contributing to climate change. As meat supply and consumption increase around the world, more sustainable food systems must be encouraged." For those unfamiliar with the reports,
UNEP Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS) is a mechanism for identifying, selecting and communicating early warning information on emerging issues to decision makers on a regular basis across the following UNEP's focus areas:
The Global Environment Alert Service continuously scans the scientific literature, analyses results of earth observations and other data sources to produce widely distributed alerts, focussing on policy relevant environmental hotspots, environmental science, and near real-time environmental hazards in an easily understandable format. It takes the pulse of the planet and enhances UNEP's ability to provide regular, science based updates to its member states and the international community on the status and trends of the global environment.Prior alerts are available here, dating from Aug. 2010 to the present.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
National Academies Report Released: Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels
Recently, the National Academies Press (NAP) released a report produced by the Committee on the Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels; Board on Agriculture
and Natural Resources; Board on Energy and Environmental Systems; Division on
Earth and Life Studies; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; and the National Research Council titled, Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels (2012). The 231-page report is available here, free with a one-time registration. According to the abstract,
Biofuels made from algae are gaining attention as a domestic source of renewable fuel. However, with current technologies, scaling up production of algal biofuels to meet even 5 percent of U.S. transportation fuel needs could create unsustainable demands for energy, water, and nutrient resources. Continued research and development could yield innovations to address these challenges, but determining if algal biofuel is a viable fuel alternative will involve comparing the environmental, economic and social impacts of algal biofuel production and use to those associated with petroleum-based fuels and other fuel sources. This report was produced at the request of the U.S. Department of Energy.
National Academies Report Released: Adapting Agricultural Extension to Peacebuilding
Recently, the National Academies Press (NAP) released a report authored by Andrew Robertson and Steve Olson, Rapporteurs; National Academy of Engineering;
and the United States Institute of Peace titled, Adapting Agricultural Extension to Peacebuilding: Report of a Workshop by the National Academy of Engineering and the United States Institute of Peace:Roundtable on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding (2012). The 62-page report is available free with a one-time registration. The report discusses extension services, a term used to convey technological information about agricultural knowledge to farmers and how this information can be used to promote peacebuilding processes.
Congressional Research Service Report Released: Federal Support for Academic Research
The Congressional Research Service (CRS), the public policy research arm of Congress, just issued the report Federal Support for Academic Research (Oct. 18, 2012). The 26-page report authored by Christine M. Matthews discusses the following:
From the time of Vannevar Bush and his 1945 report on U.S. science policy, academic research has played a role in the nation’s economy. Vannevar Bush’s report, Science the Endless Frontier, maintained that major investments in research should be made to the nation’s universities. He stated that the research capacity of the colleges and universities was significantly important to long-term national interests. Currently, some Members of Congress have expressed concern about the health and competitiveness of the nation’s colleges and universities. There are those who continue to maintain that the long-term competitiveness of the nation is linked to the strength of the academic research infrastructure. It has been shown that academic research is integrated into the economy and impacts at both the local and national level. By one estimate, approximately 80% of leading industries have resulted from research conducted at colleges and universities. Colleges and universities are the primary performers of basic research, with the federal government being the largest funding source. In FY2008, the federal government provided approximately 60% of an estimated $51.9 billion of research and development funds expended by academic institutions. When measured in current dollars, federal academic support increased by 2.5% between FY2007 and FY2008. When inflation is taken into account, it equates to an increase of 0.2% from FY2007 to FY2008 following two years of decline in constant dollars since FY2005. An issue before the 112th Congress is that with further budget reductions expected, how does the nation best reduce the budget while adjusting the support for research conducted at colleges and universities?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
House Natural Resource Committee Democrats Report Released: Use it or Lose It: Big Oil Not Using Drilling Leases in the Gulf of Mexico
Yesterday, before the last Presidential debate, the House Natural Resources Committee Democrats released a report titled, Use it or Lose It: Big Oil Not Using Drilling Leases in the Gulf of Mexico (2012). The eleven-page report available here, discusses "which companies are not using -- and also not losing -- oil drilling leases in offshore areas in the Gulf of Mexico, withholding oil production from the American people while holding onto their taxpayer-owned land." The major findings of the report include:
- More than 100 companies currently hold, but are not drilling on, nearly 3,700 drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico comprising an area the size of South Carolina.
- The top 5 oil companies (BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Shell) hold 8 million of those acres, or almost 40 percent of those leases. BP leads the group, holding unused more than 2.5 million acres with no development taking place; Chevron, 1.4 million acres; Exxon, 1.4 million acres; Shell, 1.3 million acres; and Conoco, 1.1 million acres. . .
[In addition] [a] report released by the Department of Interior in May also underscores the scope of the idle leases issue. The Interior Department report found that more than 70 percent of the tens of millions of offshore acres currently under lease are inactive, neither producing nor currently subject to approved or pending exploration or development plans. Out of nearly 36 million acres leased offshore, only about 10 million acres are active – leaving nearly 72 percent of the offshore leased area idle . . ..
Monday, October 22, 2012
EPA and other Federal Agencies Release FOIAonline a New Freedom of Information Act Portal

FOIAonline (, formerly known as the FOIA Module, is available as of . . . (October 1). It offers the public one place to submit FOIA requests, track their progress, communicate with the processing agency, search other requests, access previously released responsive documents and file appeals with participating agencies . . . Six Federal agencies now have partnered to develop and deploy FOIAonline along with EPA, including Commerce, NARA, the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, and the Merit Systems Protection Board, each of which will deploy on its own schedule.
New Library Acquisitions - Week of October 15th
Featured Book:

New Library Acquisitions:
Friday, October 19, 2012
Recent Law Review Articles -- September 2012
Compiled from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP).
Shan, Hongjun. International recent developments: China—vessel-source
oil pollution compensation. 36 Tul. Mar.
L.J. 563-571 (2012).
Genetically Modified
Organisms: Law and the Global Market. Articles by Jim Chen, Guy R. Knudsen,
Jack A. Bobo, Debra M. Strauss and Andrew W. Torrance. 48 Idaho L. Rev. 213-350 (2012).
Torrance, Andrew W. Planted obsolescence: synagriculture and the
law. 48 Idaho L. Rev. 321-350 (2012).
Fromherz, Nicholas A. The case for a global treaty on soil
conservation, sustainable farming, and the preservation of agrarian
culture. 39 Ecology L.Q. 57-121 (2012).
Thirty-First Annual American
Agricultural Law Association Agricultural Law Symposium & Meeting. Articles
by Theodore A. Feitshans, Edward Cox, Charles W. Fluharty, Michael T. Olexa,
Joshua A. Cossey, Sandra Zellmer, Neil D. Hamilton and student Katherine
Smallwood; notes by Erin Benoy, Ashley Leyda and Andrea M. Repphun. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 1-206 (2011).
Benoy, Erin. Note. Wanted: farmer-friendly climate change
legislation. 16 Drake J. Agri. L.
147-168 (2011).
Cox, Edward. A lease-based approach to sustainable farming,
part II: farm tenancy trends and the outlook for sustainability on rented
land. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 5-30 (2011).
Franklin, Emily. Student article. How to give the dog a home:
using mediation to solve companion animal custody disputes. 12 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 351-372 (2012).
Howse, Robert and Joanna
Langille. Permitting pluralism: the Seal Products dispute and why the WTO
should accept trade restrictions justified by noninstrumental moral
values. 37 Yale J. Int’l L. 367-432
Olexa, Michael T., Joshua A.
Cossey and student Katherine Smallwood.
Protecting equine rescue from being put out to pasture: whether ranches
dedicated to abused, abandoned, and aging horses may qualify for “agricultural”
classifications under Florida’s Greenbelt Law.
16 Drake J. Agri. L. 69-88 (2011).
Bates, Rebecca. Touring the Antarctic: transforming
environmental governance in the southern latitudes. 14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 43-62 (2011).
Riley, Sophie. Heads I win, tails you lose: uncertainty and
the protection of biodiversity from invasive alien species. 14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 139-168 (2011).
Cobb, John. Note. Mitigating the unintended consequences
of biofuel tax credits. 49 Harv. J. on
Legis. 451-477 (2012).
Monast, Jonas J., Brooks R.
Pearson and Lincoln F. Pratson. A
cooperative federalism framework for CCS regulation. 7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J. 1-46
Carlson, Ann E. Designing effective climate policy:
cap-and-trade and complementary policies.
49 Harv. J. on Legis. 207-248 (2012).
Qiu, Xin and Honglin Li. Energy regulation and legislation in
China. 42 Envtl. L. Rep. News &
Analysis 10678-10693 (2012).
Vecchione, Elisa. Is it possible to provide evidence of
insufficient evidence? The precautionary principle at the WTO. 13 Chi. J. Int’l L. 153-178 (2012).
Kenney, Frederick J., Jr.,
Rear Admir., U.S. Coast Guard and Melissa A. Hamann. The flow of authority to stop the flow of
oil: Clean Water Act section 311(c) removal authority and the BP/Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. 36 Tul. Mar. L.J.
349-395 (2012).
Emerman, David. Note. An environmental law even Judge Learned
Hand would violate: Ohio EPA needs non-monetary penalties to enforce
construction NPDES permits. 60 Clev. St.
L. Rev. 275-305 (2012).
Cecchini-Beaver, Mark. Comment.
“Tough law” getting tougher: a
proposal for permitting Idaho’s logging road stormwater point sources after Northwest Environmental Defense Center v.
Brown. (Nw. Envtl. Def. Ctr. v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063, 2011.) 48 Idaho L. Rev. 467-514 (2012).
Hudson, Blake. Federal constitutions, global governance, and
the role of forests in regulating climate change. 87 Ind. L.J. 1455-1515 (2012).
Penetrante, Ariel
Macaspac. Simulating climate change
negotiations: lessons from modeled experience.
28 Negotiation J. 279-314 (2012).
Powers, Paul M. Student article. An international emergency:
declaring ‘Marshall’ law due to global climate change. 13 T.M. Cooley J. Prac. & Clin. L.
423-483 (2011).
Osofsky, Hari M. Litigation’s role in the path of U.S. federal
climate change regulation: implications of AEP
v. Connecticut. 46 Val. U. L. Rev.
447-457 (2012).
25th Annual Monsanto
Symposium: Civil Litigation as a Tool for Regulating Climate Change.
Introduction by James R. May; articles by Victor E. Schwartz, Phil Goldberg,
Christopher E. Appel, Kevin T. Haroff and Hari M. Osofsky; amicus brief by Stuart Banner and James R. May. 46 Val. U. L. Rev. 357-500 (2012).
Tanczos, Francis G. Note. A new crime: possession of wood—remedying
the due care double standard of the revised Lacey Act. 42 Rutgers L.J. 549-588 (2011).
Dickenson, Todd. Student article. Hawaiian burial rights: the
regrettable burial of a rich cultural history beneath urban development. 5 Phoenix L. Rev. 811-835 (2012).
Gillespie, Josephine. Legal pluralism and World Heritage management
at Angkor, Cambodia. 14 Asia Pac. J.
Envtl. L. 1-19 (2011).
Barcia, Giselle. Comment. After Chabad: enforcement in cultural property disputes. (Agudas
Chasidei Chabad v. Russ. Fed’n, 528 F.3d 934, 2008.) 37 Yale J. Int’l L. 463-478 (2012).
Symposium: A Just Transition
to a Green Economy. Articles by Beverly Wright, Earthea Nance, Kate Gordon,
Louis Soares, Stephen Steigleder, Caroline Farrell, Michael Rawson, Mona
Tawatao, Randal A. Strobo and Laura Bozzi.
4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 1-140 (2012).
Farber, Daniel A. Pollution markets and social equity:
analyzing the fairness of cap and trade.
39 Ecology L.Q. 1-56 (2012).
Gordon, Kate, Louis Soares and
Stephen Steigleder. Preparing America’s
workforce for jobs in the green economy: a case for technical literacy. 4 Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 23-44
Zellmer, Sandra. Mudslinging on the Missouri: can endangered
species survive the Clean Water Act? 16
Drake J. Agri. L. 89-115 (2011).
Mahoney, Paul G. The public utility pyramids. 41 J. Legal Stud. 37-66 (2012).
Schwartz, Victor E., Phil
Goldberg and Christopher E. Appel. Does
the judiciary have the tools for regulating greenhouse gas emissions? 46 Val. U. L. Rev. 369-409 (2012).
De Guire, Jeannette. Note. The Cincinnati Environmental Justice
Ordinance: proposing a new model for environmental justice regulations by the
states. 60 Clev. St. L. Rev. 223-248
Hall, Margaux J. and David C.
Weiss. Avoiding adaptation apartheid:
climate change adaption and human rights law.
37 Yale J. Int’l L. 309-366 (2012).
Van Nostrand, James M. Energy and environmental justice: how states can integrate environmental
justice into energy-related proceedings.
61 Cath. U. L. Rev. 701-734 (2012).
Abbott, Laurie E. Note.
Incentive for innovation or invitation to inhumanity?: a human rights analysis
of gene patenting and the case of Myriad
Genetics. 2012 Utah L. Rev. 497-525.
Geisinger, Alex. The benefits of development and environmental
injustice. 37 Colum. J. Envtl. L.
205-244 (2012).
Scanlan, Melissa K. Implementing the public trust doctrine: a
lakeside view into the trustees’ world.
39 Ecology L.Q. 123-191 (2012).
Knudsen, Sanne H. Remedying the misuse of nature. 2012 Utah L. Rev. 141-208.
Trimble, Travis M. Environmental law. 63 Mercer L. Rev. 1223-1235 (2012).
Jurs, Andrew W. Balancing legal process with scientific
expertise: expert witness methodology in
five nations and suggestions for reform of post-Daubert U.S. reliability determinations. 95 Marq. L. Rev. 1329-1415 (2012).
Feliciano, Meghan
Marrinan. Note. We are what we eat:
securing our food supply by amending intellectual property rights for plant
genetic resources. 8 U. St. Thomas L.J.
546-568 (2011).
Winters, Diana R.H. Not sick yet: food-safety-impact litigation
and barriers to justiciability. 77
Brook. L. Rev. 905-957 (2012).
Chow, Daniel. Lessons from Pfizer’s disputes over its
Viagra trademark in China. 27 Md. J. Int’l
L. 82-110 (2012).
Koch, Valerie Gutmann. Incentivizing the utilization of
pharmacogenomics in drug development. 15
J. Health Care L. & Pol’y 263-302 (2012).
Maier, Krista. Chemical restraints and off-label drug use in
nursing homes. 16 Mich. St. U. J. Med.
& L. 243-264 (2012).
Mkrtchyan, Vitaliy. Note. Initiative 692, now and then: the past,
present, and future of medical marijuana in Washington State. 47 Gonz. L. Rev. 839-876 (2011/12).
Chen, Jim. Food and superfood: organic labeling and the
triumph of gay science over dismal and natural science in agricultural
policy. 48 Idaho L. Rev. 213-224 (2012).
Basas, Carrie Griffin. “V” is for vegetarian: FDA-mandated
vegetarian food labeling. 2011 Utah L.
Rev. 1275-1307.
Hamilton, Neil D. Moving toward food democracy: better food,
new farmers, and the myth of feeding the world.
16 Drake J. Agri. L. 117-145 (2011).
Repphun, Andrea M. Note. Pigs-in-a-blanket: how current meat
inspection regulations wrap America in false security. 16 Drake J. Agri. L. 183-206 (2011).
Brindell, James R. Improving standards and process of historic
designation. 44 Urb. Law. 265-277
Gongaware, Laura. Note. The day historic preservation
principles saved the Titanic from a second maritime disaster. (R.M.S.
Titanic, Inc. v. Wrecked & Abandoned Vessel, 742 F. Supp. 2d 784, 2010,
and 804 F. Supp. 2d 508, 2011.) 36 Tul.
Mar. L.J. 817-828 (2012).
Akin, Jena. Note. Civil justice in the mountains: the
Bolivian Andes as grounds for climate reform.
23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 433-471 (2012).
Johnstone, Naomi. Commercialism and conservationism: law in the
forests of Indonesia — from colonialism to climate change. 14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 21-42 (2011).
Pettit, Marguerite. Reducing emissions from deforestation and
degradation: human rights and the commodification of carbon. 14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 87-103 (2011).
Lydersen, Kari. Pacific Rim and beyond: global mining, global
resistance and international law. 23
Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 367-387 (2012).
Wibisana, Andri G. The development of the precautionary
principle in international and Indonesian environmental law. 14 Asia Pac. J. Envtl. L. 169-202 (2011).
Elias, Nurudeen. Note. America’s religious values at
crossroads: lifting the veil on zoning decisions to ensure victory for the
America of the Constitution and religious tolerance. 55 How. L.J. 1097-1131 (2012).
Garnett, Nicole Stelle. Managing the urban commons. 160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1995-2027 (2012).
Kamen, Justin B. Note. A standardless standard: how a
misapplication of Kelo enabled
Columbia University to benefit from eminent domain abuse. (Kaur
v. N.Y. State Urban Dev. Corp., 933 N.E.2d 721, 2010.) 77 Brook. L. Rev. 1217-1247 (2012).
Bezdek, Barbara L. Dreaming in Chinese: accountable
development. 27 Md. J. Int’l L. 48-81
Kramer, Daniel. Comment. United voices: an open proposal for
smart and fair growth in the Central Valley.
39 Ecology L.Q. 193-238 (2012).
Allen, Charles. Countering proliferation: WMD on the
move. 40 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L.
15-35 (2011).
Stahl, William M. Note. The uncharted waters of cyberspace:
applying the principles of international maritime law to the problem of
cybersecurity. 40 Ga. J. Int’l &
Comp. L. 247-273 (2011).
Bernard, Rebecca L. Must the public pay miners not to pollute? A
takings analysis of a proactive § 404(c) action in Bristol Bay, Alaska. 42 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10649-10677
Bozzi, Laura. Beyond mountaintop removal: pathways for
change in the Appalachian coalfields. 4
Duke F. for L. & Soc. Change 115-140 (2012).
Obold, Jason. Note. Leading by example: the Fracturing
Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act of 2011 as a catalyst for
international drilling reform. 23 Colo.
J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 473-500 (2012).
Schremmer, Joe. Comment. Avoidable “fraccident”: an argument
against strict liability for hydraulic fracturing. 60 U. Kan. L. Rev. 1215-1255 (2012).
Strobo, Randal A. The shape of Appalachia to come: coal in a
transitional economy. 4 Duke F. for L.
& Soc. Change 91-114 (2012).
Thompson, Dorothea K. Comment. Small size, big dilemma: the
challenge of regulating nanotechnology.
79 Tenn. L. Rev. 621-668 (2012).
Leege, David D. Comment. Preventing atoms for peace from
becoming atoms of terror: the National Environmental Policy Act is not a
vehicle for addressing terrorism. 61
Cath. U. L. Rev. 527-563 (2012).
Haroff, Kevin T. On thin air: standing, climate change, and
the National Environmental Policy Act.
46 Val. U. L. Rev. 411-446 (2012).
Duncan, Thomas M. Comment. Driving Americans’ perception of recreation:
awaiting the Park Service’s long-term solution to address snowmobile access in Yellowstone
National Park. 19 Vill. Sports &
Ent. L.J. 699-783 (2012).
Dussias, Allison M. Protecting Pocahontas’s world: the Mattaponi
Tribe’s struggle against Virginia’s King William Reservoir Project. 36 Am. Indian L. Rev. 1-123 (2011-2012).
Tanczos, Francis G. Note. A new crime: possession of wood—remedying
the due care double standard of the revised Lacey Act. 42 Rutgers L.J. 549-588 (2011).
Fosland, Benjamin J. Student article. A case of not-so-fatal flaws: re-evaluating the Indian Tribal Energy
Development and Self-Determination Act.
48 Idaho L. Rev. 447-465 (2012).
Bilodeau, Katheryn A. Comment.
The elusive implied water right for fish: do off-reservation instream water rights
exist to support Indian treaty fishing rights?
48 Idaho L. Rev. 515-551 (2012).
Strange, Rick and Thomas
Fahring. Rights of first refusal and
package oil and gas transactions. 53 S.
Tex. L. Rev. 29-100 (2011).
Kilroy, Taylor. Recent development. “Reptile dysfunction”:
how can a three-inch lizard threaten to shut down the oil and gas industry in
the Permian Basin? 7 Envtl. & Energy
L. & Pol’y J. 87-98 (2012).
Vera, Aaron. Recent development. Texas water use,
mandatory fluid component disclosures, and state regulations on hydraulic
fracturing. 7 Envtl. & Energy L.
& Pol’y J. 112-123 (2012).
Brogdon, Lauren Hunt. Student note.
A new Horizon?: the need for improved regulation of deepwater
drilling. 37 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 291-329
Thrasher, Edward W. Note. Cleaning up the muck: a takings
analysis of the moratorium on deepwater drilling following the BP oil
spill. 77 Brook. L. Rev. 1285-1327
Yoo, Christopher S. Beyond Coase: emerging technologies and
property theory. 160 U. Pa. L. Rev.
2189-2225 (2012).
Symposium on New Dimensions
in Property Theory. Articles by Gregory S. Alexander, Shyamkrishna Balganesh,
Abraham Bell, Gideon Parchomovsky, Lee Anne Fennell, Nicole Stelle Garnett,
Larissa Katz, Thomas W. Merrill, Henry E. Smith, Stewart E. Sterk, Lior Jacob
Strahilevitz and Christopher S. Yoo. 160
U. Pa. L. Rev. 1853-2225 (2012).
Ledford, Peter H. Practical considerations in implementing
renewable energy: a case study of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 2 Wake Forest J.L. & Pol’y 533-570
Sanders, Jordan. Recent development. “Dark times ahead for the
U.S. solar industry?” Anti-dumping duties on Chinese solar panels, their
implications, and alternatives to strengthening the U.S. solar industry. 7 Envtl. & Energy L. & Pol’y J.
99-111 (2012).
Knudsen, Guy R. Where’s the beef? How science informs GMO
regulation and litigation. 48 Idaho L.
Rev. 225-250 (2012).
Weil, Gabriel. Student article. Subnational climate
mitigation policy: a framework for analysis.
23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 285-307 (2012).
Sakowski, Scott E. Note. Taking dry land under navigable waters:
the Friant Dam returns to the docket. 36
Vt. L. Rev. 759-777 (2012).
Litigating Takings Challenges
to Land Use and Environmental Regulations. Keynote address by William Treanor;
articles by John Echeverria, Joseph L. Sax, Steven J. Eagle, Daniel L. Siegel,
Mark Fenster, Thomas W. Merrill, Gregory M. Stein and A. Dan Tarlock; notes by
Scott E. Sakowski and Christian D. Petrangelo.
36 Vt. L. Rev. 503-807 (2012).
Martin, Winfield B. Comment. Order for the courts: reforming the Nollan/Dolan threshold inquiry for exactions. 35 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1499-1523 (2012).
Burns, Matthew. Note. A sustainable framework for
international green technology transfer.
23 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 405-432 (2012).
Glynn, Stephanie. Comment. Toxic toys and dangerous drywall:
holding foreign manufacturers liable for defective products—the fund
concept. 26 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 317-364
Operators, USA v. City of
Dallas: a possible green light ahead for “head-of-the-line”
policies favoring natural gas vehicles. [Includes photographs.] (Ass’n
of Taxicab Operators, USA v. City of Dallas, 760 F. Supp. 2d 693,
2010.) 36 Vt. L. Rev. 995-1013 (2012).
Buseman, Nicole. Student note.
A second-generation solution to electronic waste: the New York approach. 37 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 245-290 (2012).
Sax, Joseph L. Reserved public rights in water. 36 Vt. L. Rev. 535-548 (2012).
Tarlock, A. Dan. Takings, water rights, and climate change. 36 Vt. L. Rev. 731-757 (2012).
Henderson, Taylor. Student article. Five Tribes’ water rights:
examining the Aamodt adjudications’
Mechem doctrine to predict tribal water rights litigation outcomes in
Oklahoma. 36 Am. Indian L. Rev. 125-160
Anderson, Peter R. and Aaron
J. Kraft. Why does Idaho’s water law
regime provide for forfeiture of water rights?
48 Idaho L. Rev. 419-446 (2012).
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