Wednesday, February 4, 2009

EPA Needs a Comprehensive Research Plan and Policies to Fulfill Its Emergin Climate Changing Role

The EPA Office of Inspector General issued a report (Report No. 09-P-0089) dated, February 2, 2009 EPA finding that the EPA does not have an overall plan to ensure developing consistent, compatible climate change strategies across the Agency. In the absence of an overall Agency plan, EPA’s Office of Water and several regional offices have independently developed, or are developing, their own individual climate change strategies and plans. The lack of an overall climate change policy can result in duplication, inconsistent approaches, and wasted resources among EPA’s regions and offices. EPA has not issued interim guidance to give its major components consistent direction to ensure that a compatible national policy – when it emerges – will not result in wasted efforts.

EPA’s latest plan for future climate change research does not address the full range of emerging information needs. Specifically, the projected time of completion or the scope of some research projects do not match the timing or the scope of regions’ needs.

They recommend that the Deputy Administrator direct Assistant and Regional Administrators on how to plan for climate change challenges in their media areas/regions until the Agency develops an overall strategy; and establish guidance for regularly entering their climate change scientific information in the Science Inventory.

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